Welcome to TZ Audio - Your Gateway to Talent Memories with our Stellar series of condenser microphones.

At TZ Audio, we believe that talent has the power to transport us through time, connecting us with our fondest memories and unlocking a world of emotions. Our mission is to craft unforgettable audio experiences that resonate with your soul and accompany you on your journey through life. Using Stellar X3 or Stellar X2 you may be able to boost your craft into higher levels with high fidelity recordings to document your moments.

Discover our collection of timeless audio masterpieces designed to showcase every talent, and let us be the backdrop to your future moments of greatness!  Stellar X3,  Stellar X2,  Stellar X2 and  Vintage  are awaiting your review by TZ Audio.

For a taste of what we offer, explore our engaging TikTok channel: TzAudioUS. Many artist demonstrate the high quaility of our Stellar series microphones. We celebrate the diverse range of talents and provide inspiring content that ignites your creativity and thank all these artist for taking precious time to record their talent for us to witness using their Stellar microphones by TZ Audio. Please take a bit of your time and see  some of our wonderful collaborators.

We, at TZ Audio, implore you to look at  our products. We are a small company trying to make it in very big world of music audio equipment. Our Stellar X3 microphone has been compared to Neumann and Shure with amazing results showing that the fidelity of our less expensive microphones are of similar recording quality.

We're always striving to improve and evolve, so we'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to us at service@tzaudios.com. Let's create beautiful talent moments together!

All contents here are the Copyright of  La Porte Gifts   2023-

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